Preparing your property for a home open.

There is no denying that the current Perth property market is hot, hot, HOT but that doesn’t mean it’s a chance to get complacent! Let’s not forget that first impressions are everything when selling and, with potential buyers still judging every square inch of your property, it's so important to put your best foot forward. 

At Perth Style Company, we pride ourselves on leaving our staged properties “home open ready” but for those of you who aren’t staging for sale, we encourage you all to spend a little time ensuring your home is presented in the best light possible to ensure a quick sales experience. This can sometimes be an overwhelming thought for homeowners, so here is our easy to follow checklist to guide you through necessary preparation for a home open...


Clean, clean, clean!

There really is nothing more attractive than a clean space, especially to potential buyers who are often put off by any sign of “life”. 

Be sure to clean and tidy your entire property from top-to-bottom. This includes everything from your kitchen appliances, cupboards, wardrobes, gardens and outside areas. Dust, vacuum, scrub, wash and buff - we know it can be an exhausting task but, trust us on this one, it will make a world of difference!

We encourage homeowners to get the big clean out of the way in advance, then keep your place in good condition, simply refreshing for a new inspection date, rather than a top-to-bottom makeover.

Top tip - 

Remember the finer details here - remove shoes from the front door, clear out the mailbox, empty your rubbish bins - everything counts!


Remove all signs of pets.

Ok, this one goes hand-in-hand with your cleaning efforts - if you’ve got a pet, it’s even more essential your home is sparkling! After all, one of the most common hang-ups for potential buyers is those telltale signs of a furry friend. No one loves your pet the way you do and any animal smells, fur and stains can really put someone off your property.

Make the effort to actively deodorise your home to remove the potential whiff of your pets and we even suggest asking someone who doesn’t normally live there to confirm you’re in the clear. Remember, you might be used to it and unable to smell what others can!

Don’t forget to clean all traces of hair from floors and furniture, store feeding bowls and toys, remove any litter boxes or droppings from the yard and be sure to take your pets with you when you vacate during inspections.

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Let there be light!

If you’ve read some of our other blog articles, then you will be familiar with how much importance we place on natural light and air throughout the home at all times - There is simply nothing better than a fresh home whether you’re selling or not!

When preparing to open your home, be sure to draw back curtains and blinds to let the natural light flood through, and if the winter weather permits, crack open some windows or the alfresco doors for a steady flow of fresh air. This will help with any trace of animal smells, too. 

Potential buyers want to envisage themselves living in the home, and a stuffy, dark space will be sure to put them off quick-smart!


Be extra !

If potential buyers are looking across a magnitude of properties, you’ll want to make sure that yours stands out from the crowd and to do this, we encourage you to be a little extra! 

This is all about striking the perfect balance between presenting a warm, homely environment and allowing enough mental space for a prospective buyer to imagine themselves living in your home. 

To do this, add some personal touches around the home to help prospective buyers forge an emotional connection, and add a bit of personality throughout the space. Think scented candles, fresh flowers, a bowl of sweets, a small cheese board or some glasses of champagne - anything to make your open inspection a memorable experience. 


Set the temperature.

Setting the right temperature within your home is extremely important this time of year! Why, you ask? Well, throughout the cooler months your home is at its darkest, coldest and gloomiest so it is up to you to warm things up. 

Keep an eye on the weather forecast and plan accordingly. You’ll want to ensure your home is at an optimal temperature for buyers to walk through - not too hot and not too cold! You need to demonstrate your property can effortlessly cope with the climate around it. 

Top Tip;

Whilst you are keeping a watchful eye on the forecast, be sure to plan ahead for any upcoming wet weather. Rain is certainly not stopping buyers in this market so be sure to have durable door mats at all entrances to avoid an abundance of wet, messy footprints throughout your home. 


Don’t forget security.

Whether you are planning to attend the inspection or not, we encourage you to take care to remove and protect anything precious or valuable before you open your house up to strangers. After all, you can never be too careful!

In recent months, agents have been extremely outnumbered by an influx of inspection attendees, they can’t possibly keep on top of everyone and everything! Be sure to take items with you or lock them up in a safe or secure cupboard or drawer. 

Agents usually record the details of people coming through your property, to deter thieves. However, this isn’t always a perfect system and shouldn’t be relied upon.


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