Preparing for a springtime property sale.

It’s a common occurrence to go through “all the feels” when preparing a property for sale - stress, excitement, nervous anticipation - so you’re certainly not alone if these are the emotions you’re experiencing right now as you make provisions for a springtime sale. BUT, we’re here to remind you that the more information and resources you have on-hand, the easier the process will be! Everything starts with a plan, and from there, with key achievable actions, you will be able to ensure an efficient property sale is coming your way!


Appoint an agent. 

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again... A reputable real estate agent is worth their weight in gold and they play a critical role in the efficient sale of a property. Is it totally necessary to sell with an agent? No. But, will it be worth it? 100%! 

No one knows your neighbourhood better than your local agent. Plus, they are super experienced in market trends, target demographics and property insights which will become extremely helpful come crunch time. Their fees, whilst often daunting at first, will likely pay for themselves by getting you the best possible price for your property. Just be sure to set a realistic asking price based on the advice of your agent and you’ll be onto a winner!


Consider a property stylist. 

It’s common knowledge that presentation is everything when it comes to selling but have you ever considered calling in the professionals to lend a helping hand? At Perth Style Company, we offer a market-leading staging product that will totally transform your home inside and out. But, if that isn’t exactly the right fit for you and your circumstances, we also offer a pre-sale consultation service that shares all of our tried and tested tips for presenting your home during sale. A styled home leads its way to a better price - some say up to 12.5% so it’s certainly worth considering! 

Make renovations and repairs. 

Not every home needs renovations or repairs, but for those who need it, it's an important step not to be missed! Making those small repairs to damaged surfaces, giving walls a fresh patch and paint, as well as replacing any dated fixtures and light fittings will really help to bring your property up to scratch. Plus, they’re relatively simple and inexpensive ways to refresh a home, breathing new life into it for sale time. 


Book a professional clean. 

If there is one thing you should do to ease that never ending presale to-do list, it’s book your property in for a professional clean. These experienced cleaning fairies know just how to get every last spot of dust, grease and grime, leaving your home looking and feeling super fresh for sale. There is honestly no better gift to give yourself! 


Get your emotions in check. 

Like we said at the beginning of this piece, selling your property can lead to a rollercoaster of emotions. It’s totally normal to find the process hard and overwhelming - after all, you’re leaving behind a home full of sentimental moments and memories. But, don’t let this take over throughout the sale process! You’ve made the decision to sell, so it’s important you take the whole process in and try your best to close this chapter of your life to welcome the next. 


Enhancing your interior design with flowers and foliage.


Four property features that WOW buyers every time.