Decluttering & organising for a Spring sale.

If you are planning on making the most of Perth’s positive property market and selling your home this Spring selling season then there’s no time like the present to get yourself organised. 

When it comes to selling and moving home, decluttering and organising a household of belongings always takes a lot longer than anticipated. In fact, we often encourage our clients to get onto it fast, allowing approximately one month to complete your pre-sale tasks.

A household of clutter can be overwhelming, especially when it creeps in without us noticing. Furniture, excess clothing, objects you’ve collected over time and books that are gathering dust. Whatever the clutter is, it can weigh you down, affecting how you feel about your home. 

And, when it comes time to sell, clutter can be detrimental to an efficient sale of your home. Not only does it affect the way your home presents to potential buyers, but it inevitably makes moving more difficult, particularly if you’re downsizing or relocating inter-state. 

Today, our experienced team is sharing their top tips for decluttering your interior and keeping it organised throughout your sales campaign. 


Just get started!

We know, we know, just the thought of decluttering can be stressful. But, the best way to start decluttering is simple - just get started! There’s no shame in easing into it, chipping away at smaller or simpler jobs each day. 

To begin, set up some tubs for items you want to keep, donate and throw away then choose one room to start with. Our suggestion here would be to pick a smaller room like a bathroom, pantry or guest bedroom, rather than diving into the most cluttered area of your home. This way you will experience progress at a faster rate and will be more encouraged to continue with the rest of your decluttering mission.

Now, it’s not going to happen overnight! In fact, it might take a while but in order to declutter properly, you will need to go through each item, one by one. Consider whether you really need and have the space for the item. If it’s sentimental, take a photo of it or ask your family if they would like it. If you’re unsure, place it in a tub for you to go back to once you’ve decluttered the rest of your room, but make sure you’ve decided before you move onto another space.


PSCO’s Top Tips;

  • Donate as much as possible to reduce your waste and help others in need.

  • Find a permanent home for everything – even the tea and coffee that sits on your kitchen benchtop.

  • Invest in furniture that can double as storage like a coffee table with drawers or a bed with storage underneath.

  • Pack a suitcase of unrequired seasonal clothing to store in your wardrobe and make space for the clothing you currently wear.

  • Go paperless, opting for statements to be emailed to you rather than landing in a big pile on your kitchen bench.


Now, keep it that way!

It’s one thing to efficiently declutter your home, but how on earth do you keep it that way? Most would say, this is not easy! And, it makes it even more challenging if your partner is prone to collecting ‘stuff’ or your grandchildren regularly visit leaving a trail of destruction behind them!

The key to keeping on top of the clutter is to get into the habit of doing small tasks each and every day. Allocating just 10-15 minutes a day can save you a whole lot of stress and time, and make your home much more pleasant to live in.


PSCO’s Top Tips;

  • Encourage every member of your household to put it away as they use it. 

  • Set up a permanent donation box in your spare room or garage and regularly empty it every couple of months. 

  • Make a list of weekly chores that need to be completed and delegate them to each member of your household. 

  • Create labels for everything so you can clearly see where things are supposed to be stored. 

  • Most of all, just get it done today - don’t put it off until tomorrow!

Happy Spring selling!


Packing to move?


5 ways to make your home look more expensive.