Playing to the five senses in real estate.

If you’re looking for ways to make sure your home stands out when it’s time to sell, then you might want to consider how your property appeals to a human’s five senses. Yes - touch, sight, sound, smell and taste - you know the ones we’re talking about here! 

Our five senses play a HUGE role in our emotional processing, learning and even buying behaviour. In fact, whether you are conscious of it or not, we each make purchases emotionally and justify them rationally. The larger the purchase, the more convinced our emotions need to be, which makes this theory extremely important when it comes to selling property. 

At Perth Style Company, we truly believe that building an emotional connection between properties and prospective buyers is the most important step in selling real estate. It’s our not-so-secret weapon! Today, we run through some of our primary ways of producing that all-important connection and explain how easy it is for you to do yourself. 



Arguably the most important sense of all - appealing to buyer’s sight should be your biggest priority when it comes to selling. Luckily, it’s not a hard one to do! 

Consider professional home staging. 

We know it’s not for everyone but, if you can do it, DO! A professional knows exactly how to appeal to every sense, but particularly sight. The psychology behind colour choices, creating the buyers’ desired lifestyle and ensuring the lighting is adequate – an experienced home stager can do it all, plus they know exactly how to showcase the maximum potential of your property to drive a result. It’s a win-win!

Furnish it.

This one is simple. People don’t buy their dream home because it’s the logical thing to do. They buy it because they fell in love with it! Empty, bare rooms do nothing for a buyer, and are far less likely to evoke emotion than a well-considered, furnished room. 



When people are in the process of preparing their home for the market, sound is oftentimes the most overlooked characteristic. Here’s some aspects to think about;

Add a beat.

There is no doubt that music has a massive impact on our mood. Playing something relaxing and welcoming may help the buyers feel at home. If you’re stuck on what music to play, there are numerous playlists available online across most streaming platforms. Just search for open house playlist or follow Perth Style Company on Spotify. 

Embrace your agent’s voice.

Our #1 piece of advice to property sellers is to engage a professional and reputable real estate agent to sell your home. They know their market and their buyers, but above all else – they know what to say to close the deal! Smell. 

Without being too harsh, scent can mean make or break for some buyers - trust us! So, making sure your property smells good is another super important aspect to consider when selling. 



Without being too harsh, scent can mean make or break for some buyers - trust us! So, making sure your property smells good is another super important aspect to consider when selling.

Air out the property thoroughly.

Prior to any home openings or property appointments, be sure to open all the windows and doors, regardless of the weather outside. Letting in some fresh air will make a world of difference to any smells or staleness throughout the home. 

Steer clear of overpowering scents. 

Remember, what smells nice to you, may not smell nice to someone else - scents can be so subjective. So keep it simple when it comes to fresh flowers, air fresheners and incense sticks. We suggest a neutral smell with a slight twist like Vanilla or Citrus. 



Taste is likely the most difficult sense to engage when it comes to selling real estate. But, rest assured, taste is way more than just what you feel on your tongue!

Who doesn’t love food?!

If your agent is super savvy you’ve probably heard of a “champagne launch” where the agent presents prospective buyers with delicious canapes and bubbles for their VIP open. Now, whilst this is certainly a lovely touch and really helps to set your property apart from its competition - it also has a real psychological meaning behind it. Eating together brings people closer and momentarily takes away any anxious feelings. This strengthens the agent-buyer relationship and creates a more memorable experience for everyone. 

Keep it tasteful.

Yes, believe it or not, design taste is another type of taste. Remember to remove any decorations that could be perceived as too personal, controversial or disrespectful to prospective buyers like personal photos, political or religious pieces.



It might be easier than you think to tap into prospective buyers’ touch receptors during home opens and here’s how;

Use an assortment of textiles and textures.

Biologically, some of us are naturally drawn towards warm and cosy textures whilst others prefer cooler surfaces like glass or metal. To ensure you’re appealing to the masses, the safest thing to do is to cover all the bases! Mix an assortment of thick, textured fabrics through rugs, bed linen and curtains, with the rawness of cold surfaces like concrete, marble or glass. 

Create multiple layers.

You should know by now that we are huge fans of creating layers in our styling concepts. Layers help to create visual interest and make the space appear more plush and luxurious. Of course, a different approach can be taken to each room, but you can start with this simple formula for your main living space; rug, coffee table, decorative accessories, sofa, cushions and artwork.


The Perth Style Company difference.


Property Spotlight: Sadka Lane, Shenton Park.